How a Market-Leading Healthcare Company uses zPaper to Decrease Patient Referral Costs with Connected Fax & Document Journey Automation.

Industry:​ Healthcare

Sector:​ Payer

Company Size:​ SMB

Location:​ United States

Platform Solution(s):​ zDocument360


"The Company" is a leading clinic provider offering onsite, network, and virtual models, leading to better outcomes and employee health. Patient referrals were an area that involved a large number of manual efforts that were costly to the company and had a negative impact on patient engagement. By implementing zPaper's document journey automation solution, The Company was able to improve efficiencies within the patient referral process and patient experience while also achieving positive financial outcomes.


The Company provides a centralized patient referral system. Their program personally connects patients to providers with guidance from an expert healthcare coordinator. They have helped thousands of patients access healthcare referrals, saving them time and money by partnering with providers and gaining access to real-time competitive rates. However, their process to carry out these referrals was manual, time-consuming, and costly.

"We are all about connecting patients to providers through a dynamic healthcare marketplace

​ - Client, Healthcare Company


The medical community still relies on fax to securely share documents and communicate patient information. This method, required by both the company and their clients, demands a significant amount of time and manual activities: printing or scanning pages, uploading for filing, and manually verifying the fax transmission status. This process was highly inefficient given the high volume of inbound and outbound documents.

The second challenge experienced with faxing was its restrictive nature of only sending information contained on a given document. Handwritten notes and other supporting documents could be included in an outbound fax; however, it required tedious manual tasks for document bundling.

To improve the referral process, the company needed a solution to allow its employees to dynamically create a document out of Salesforce and then send it to a designated recipient.

Most services did one or the other. Merge data into a document or fax it. zPaper was a solution that did both in one efficient professional manner

- President, National Healthcare Company


After an extensive search, they ultimately chose zPaper to provide a fax and document management solution for its referral management process. By integrating zDocument360 into the company’s Salesforce instance, incoming documents could be automatically categorized according to their specific inbound channel and program, then automatically routed to the appropriate Salesforce record. Additionally, dynamic outbound referral forms could be generated with patient data stored within Salesforce. They could now manage incoming and outbound documents much easier and faster than before.

The Results

Before implementing the zPaper solution, it took referral teams approximately 10 minutes to print, fax, and confirm receipt of each document. With zPaper, the users can send these documents within one-tenth of the previous amount of time. This equates to 6.75 total hours of saved time per day, 33.75 hours per week, and 1,755 hours per year. Within a year, zPaper has saved the company approximately 21,060 working hours by automating the fax referral process.

Most services did one or the other. Merge data into a document or fax it. zPaper was a solution that did both in one efficient professional manner

- President, National Healthcare Company

To learn more about zPaper's document journey automation platform and solutions, click here​ to connect with a solutions expert.

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