How a Natural Products Manufacturer Uses zPaper to Connect & Simplify Mass Communication Document Processes.

Industry:​ Manufacturing

Sector:​ Consumer Goods

Company Size:​ SMB

Location:​ United States

Platform Solution(s):​ zDocument360


As a well-respected natural product manufacture passionate about helping individuals connect with the purest products from nature, "The Company" provides their health products to vendor stores directly from the natural source. To effectively manage the workflow of communication with their vendors, They choose zPaper to connect and automate the delivery of marketing promotions and orders within a unified Salesforce experience.


The Company sends out monthly one-page deal sheets to its multiple nutrition shops. These small business customers rely on faxing to request and manage orders along with other communications. Many of our B2B customers still use fax as their preferred means of communication, and we want 100% of our customers to get our marketing communication. However, we want this communication to be more integrated than what is offered with our current eFax solution,says the owner of the natural foods company.


The Company's challenge was that it lacked an integrated method to manage the marketing lists, create deal sheets, and automate the faxed order receipt process. Employees were spending a tremendous amount of time managing the workflow. Lastly, the system could not customize monthly deal marketing sheets and had no audit capabilities to ensure the customers responded to the correct sheet.


As The Company began its search for a solution to its workflow problem, it knew that the product would have to integrate with its Salesforce platform. Sales Fix, a Salesforce consulting partner, recommended zPaper.

zPaper integrates completely with Salesforce so all of the organization's existing data - its leads, contacts, accounts, and other information could continue to be captured and updated. This data creates the specific communications and all resulting documents, whether a marketing sheet or credit application. These documents are barcoded for downstream process automation upon return from the customer. Credit applications are routed to the appropriate client record, while returned deal sheets automatically create new records for order processing. In both cases, an email alert or Salesforce activity notification is sent to the team to respond. The staff can review the copies of the sent faxes saved in the customer records and know which offer the customer has received.

Additionally, customer teams could easily use the zPaper Forms tool to create templates to be used in subsequent campaigns. The Forms tool also has a picklist feature which makes choosing and generating personalized communications faster and nearly effortless. Duplicate phone numbers are deleted after the first transmittal, which increases efficiency and reduces the chance of the customer receiving duplicate communications. zPaper functionality allows a job to be assigned a unique title and scheduled for transmission.

The Results

The Company has been using the zPaper solution for nearly ten years and has had excellent results. The Vice President of Sales says We greatly appreciate the responsiveness of the zPaper team."

zPaper provides a solution that not only makes the ordering process more efficient by decreasing the response time for new orders; it also supports the company’s environmental and sustainability initiatives by keeping the document journey workflow completely digital."

- President, Natural Food Manufacturer

To learn more about zPaper's document journey automation platform and solutions, click here​ to connect with a solutions expert.

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